Publications in Wireless LAN
Related PhD Dissertation Supervised by Prof. Kaveh Pahlavan
- Mika Ylianttila, Vertical Handoff and Mobility, Vertical Handoff and Mobility - System Architecture and Transition Analysis, University of Oulu, Finland, May 2005.
- Robert Tingley, Space-Time Parameter Estimation and Statistical Modeling of the Indoor Radio Channel, WPI, May 2000
- Mudhzaffar Hassan-Ali, Using Ray-Tracing Techniques in Site-Specific Statistical Modeling of Indoor Radio Channels, WPI, May 1998.
- Ghazizahedi Alireza, Traffic Engineering for Wireless LANs, WPI, May 1998.
- Aram Falsafi, Comparative Performance Evaluation of Transmission Techniques Applied to Wireless Local Area Networks, WPI, May 1996.
- Ganing Yang, Performance Evaluation of High Speed Wireless Data Systems Using a 3D Ray Tracing Algorithm, WPI, May 1994.
- Mich Chase, Performance of M-ARY CDMA Over Modeled and Measured Indoor Radio Channels, WPI, May 1993.
- Rajamani Ganesh, Time Domain Measurements Modeling and Simulation of the Indoor Radio Channel, WPI, May 1991.
- Steve Howard, Frequency Domain Characteristics and Auto-Regressive Modeling of the Indoor Radio Channel, WPI, May 1991.
- Ker Zhang, Wireless Local Networks for Integrated Voice/Data Services, WPI, May 1990.
- Tom Sexton, Channel Modeling and High Speed Data Transmission Performance for the Indoor Radio Channel, WPI, May 1989.
Related MS Theses Supervised by Prof. Kaveh Pahlavan
- J. Feigin, Voice over IP in a Wireless LAN Environment, 2000
- A. Parker, Block-Oriented Time and Frequency Domain Simulation of the JTC Channel Model for PCS Applications, 1994.
- G. Bronson, Performance Evaluation of Wireless LANs in the Indoor Environment, 1993.
- J. Meditz, Development of Custom Coded Blocks in Signal Processing Worksystem (SPW) Software for Indoor Radio Propagation Modeling,1993.
- Tim Holt, A Computer Graphics Package for Indoor Raio Channel Simulation Using a 2D Ray Tracing Algorithm, 1992.
- Rajamani Ganesh, Multiple Accessing in Local Area ALOHA Networks in the Presence of Capture, 1987.
Selected Journals
- M.H. Ali and K. Pahlavan, "A New Statistical Model for Site-specific Indoor Radio Propagation Prediction based on Geometric Optics and Geometric Probability", IEEE JSAC on Wireless Networks, Jan 2002.
- K. Pahlavan, P. Krishnamurthy, A. Hatami, M. Ylianttila, J. P. Mäkelä , R. Pichna & J. Vallström, “Handoff in Hybrid Mobile Data Networks”, invited paper, IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, vol. 7, no. 2, April 2000.
- R. Tingley and K. Pahlavan, "Measurement of the Time-Space Characteristics of Indoor Radio Channel", IEEE Trans on Instrumentation and Measurements, September 2000.
- A. Zahedi and K. Pahlavan, "Capacity of a Wireless LAN with Voice and Data Services", IEEE Trans. on Communications, July 2000.
- R. Tingley and K. Pahlavan, “Measurement and Modeling of Angle of Arrival”, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 35 15 , 22, July 1999 , pp 1211 -1212.
- K. Pahlavan, A. Zahedi, and P. Krishnamurthy, "Wideband Local Access: WLAN and WATM", IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Series on Wireless ATM, November 1997
- M. Hassan-Ali and K. Pahlavan, "Site-Specific Wideband Indoor Channel Modeling Using Ray-Tracing Software", IEE Electronics Letters, Nov., 1997.
- A. Zahedi A. and K. Pahlavan, "Natural Hidden Terminal and Throughput of a Wireless LAN", IEE Electronic Letters, Apr. 1997.
- A Falsafi, K. Pahlavan, G. Yang, "Transmission Techniques for Wireless LANs", IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications, April 1996
- M.H. Ali, A.S. Parker and K. Pahlavan, "Frequency domain model for standard simulation of wideband radio propagation for personal communications", IEE Electronics Letters, Dec. 1994.
- K. Pahlavan, T. Probert, and M. Chase, "Trends in Local Wireless Networks", invited paper, IEEE Comm. Soc. Mag., March 1995.
- G. Yang and K. Pahlavan, "Sector Antenna and DFE Modems for High Speed Indoor Radio Communications", IEEE Trans. on VT, Nov. 1994.
- K. Pahlavan and A. Levesque, "Wireless Data Communication", Invited Paper, IEEE Proceedings, Sep. 1994.
- M. Chase and K. Pahlavan, "Performance of DS-CDMA Over Measured Indoor Radio Channels Using Random Orthogonal Codes," IEEE Trans. on VT, Dec. 1993.
- M. Chase and K. Pahlavan, "Performance of M-Ary Orthogonal Codes with Power Control Over Measured Indoor Radio Propagations", invited paper, the special issue of the IEICE in spread spectrum communications, Japan, Aug 1993.
- R. Ganesh and K. Pahlavan, "Statistics of Short Time and Spatial Variations Measured in Wideband Indoor Radio Channels", IEE Proceedings-H, Microwave, Antennas and Propagation, Aug. 1993.
- K. Pahlavan, S. Howard, and T. Sexton,"Adaptive Equalization of Indoor Radio Channel", IEEE Trans. on Comm., Jan1993.
- R. Ganesh and K. Pahlavan, "Statistical Characterization of a Partitioned Indoor Radio Channel", IEE Proceedings-I, Communications, Speech and Vision, Nov. 1992.
- G. Yang, K. Pahlavan and T. Holt, "Effects of Antenna Sectorization on Data Rate Limitations of Indoor Radio Modems", Electronics Letters, Nov. 13, 1992.
- S. J. Howard and K. Pahlavan, "Autoregressive Modeling of Wideband Indoor Radio Propagation", IEEE Trans. On Comm., Sep. 1992.
- K. Zhang and K. Pahlavan, " Relation Between Transmission and Throughput of the Slotted ALOHA Local Packet Radio Networks" IEEE Trans. on Comm., March 1992.
- R. Ganesh and K. Pahlavan, "Modeling of the Indoor Radio Channel", IEE Proceedings-I, June 1991.
- S. J. Howard and K. Pahlavan,"Measurement and Analysis of the Indoor Radio Channel in the Frequency Domain", IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurements, Oct. 1990.
- K. Zhang and K. Pahlavan, "CSMA Local Radio Networks with BPSK Modulation in Rayleigh fading Channels", IEE Elect. Let., Sep. 27th, 1990.
- K. Pahlavan and S. J. Howard, "Statistical AR Models for the Frequency Selective Indoor Radio Channels", IEE Elect. Let. July 19, 1990.
- R. Ganesh and K. Pahlavan,"Effects of Local Traffic and Local Movements on the Multipath Characteristics of the Indoor Radio Channel", IEE Electronics Let., June 7, 1990.
- S. J. Howard and K. Pahlavan, "Autoregressive Modeling of the Indoor Radio Channel", IEE Elect. Let., June 7, 1990.
- K. Pahlavan and M. Chase, " Spread Spectrum Multiple Access Performance of Orthogonal Codes for Indoor Radio Communications", IEEE Trans. on Comm., June 1990.
- S. Howard and K. Pahlavan,"Doppler Spread Measurements of the Indoor Radio Channel", IEE Elec. let, Jan. 19, 1990.
- K. Zhang and K. Pahlavan,"An Integrated Voice-Data System for Wireless Local Area Networks", IEEE Trans. on V.T., April 1990.
- K. Pahlavan and S. J. Howard, "Frequency Domain Measurements of the Indoor Radio Channel", IEE Electronics Letters, Nov. 23, 1989.
- R. Ganesh and K. Pahlavan, "On the Arrival of the Paths in Multipath Fading Indoor Radio Channels", IEE, Electronic Letters, June 1989, pp763-765.
- S. Howard and K. Pahlavan "Performance of Adaptive Equalization over Measured Indoor Radio Channels", IEE Electronics letters, Sep. 1989.
- K. Zhang, K. Pahlavan, and R. Ganesh, "Slotted AHOLA Networks with PSK Modulation in Rayleigh-Fading Channels", IEE Electronics Letters, March 1989.
- K. Pahlavan, R. Ganesh, and T. Hotaling, "Multipath Propagation Measurements on Manufacturing Floors at 910MHz", IEE Electronics Letters, Feb. 1989.
- T. A. Sexton and K. Pahlavan, "Channel Modeling and Adaptive Equalization of Indoor Radio Channels", IEEE Jour. Of Sel. Areas in Comm. (JSAC), Jan. 1989.
- K. Pahlavan," Wireless Intra-Office Networks", Invited paper, ACM Trans. On Office Inf. Sys., July 1988.
- K. Pahlavan,"Wireless Communication for Office Information Networks", IEEE Comm. Mag., June 1985.