Jari Iinatti (SMIEEE) received M.Sc., Lic. Tech. and Dr. Tech. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, in 1989, 1993 and 1997, respectively. During 1989-1997 he was a Research Scientist at the Telecommunication Laboratory at the University of Oulu. During 1997-2002 he was acting professor of Digital Transmission Techniques, and senior research scientist, project manager and research director at Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC) at the University of Oulu. Since 2002 he has been Professor of Telecommunication Theory, at first at the Telecommunication Laboratory, and since 2011 at the Department of Communications Engineering. His research interests include future wireless communication systems, transceiver algorithms, wirelss body area networks (WBANs) and medical ICT. Prof. Iinatti has published about 200 International Journal and Conference papers, holds four patents, and is a co-editor of book UWB Theory and Applications (Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester, UK, 2004. He has been technical program committee (TPC) member in about 25 conferences, and he was TPC co-chair in IEEE PIMRC2006, TPC chair in the ISMICT2007, general co-chair in the ISMICT2011, and TPC Program Track Co-Chair in BodyNets 2012. He was also organizer of FEELIT 2008 and FEELIT 2011 and UWBAN2012 and UWBAN2013.