Dr. Henry Chang is conducting research in the areas of connected healthcare, the integration of data-driven insight and knowledge-driven recommendations for chronic disease prediction, behavior modification modeling, patient engagement analytics.
He leads the Intelligent Living Services research collaboratory in Taiwan 2010-2013, a multi-year effort to enable holistic personalized wellness care for service modeling and innovation on shared services cloud. The collaboratory is partnering with Industrial Technology Research Institute, MJ health exam, and Taiwan community-based hospitals to conduct health management pilots on healthy family outreach, personalized wellness compliance and analytics-driven recommendation services, initially for people with chronic diseases and social gamification for people with health risks such as obesity.
He is a senior technical staff member and a research manager in Healthcare transformation department at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. He is the research innovation lead of the IBM Websphere BPM suits and IBM internal supply chain visibility. His recent research interests include Wellness transformation for smarter healthcare, business event processing, continuous process improvement, and event-based business collaboration. He received an IBM Innovation Award for his work on model-based B2B collaboration solutions.
He specializes in model-driven analysis and solution generation for dynamic business systems. He has conducted research in the areas of business process visibility with a "sense and respond" system for internal IBM integrated supply chain. Henry's main industrial experiences include managing the IBM B2B fulfillment extranet with 300 business customers, IBM semiconductor supply chain inventory monitoring system, and electronics component supply and demand integration and optimization. He has published more than 60 journal and conference papers, and 20 patents. Before joining IBM at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center, he received Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from U. Wisconsin-Madison and a B.S. in Electrical Enginee