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OPNET Technologies
© 2000
OPNET Technologies |
University: Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Professor: Kaveh Pahlavan
Department: Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering
Voice over IP in a Wireless
LAN Environment
This project focuses on OPNET simulation
of Voice over IP applications on the NSF sponsored wireless campus area
network at the Center for Wireless Information Network Studies, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts. The objective
of the modeling is to compare the empirical results from the measurement
system operating on the testbed with the results of simulation from OPNET.
The testbed can only provides results associated with less than six users
and the results are based on the router and switch operating with IPv4.
The OPNET simulation results intend to shed light on the cases were the
number of users are larger and the system employs IPv6. The simulation
specifically analyses delay, delay jitter, and packet loss characteristics.
The project is conducted by Jeff Feigin, an MS candidate in the ECE department,
as a part of his MS thesis supervised with Professor Pahlavan. The
project is sponsored by Nokia, Finnish Air Force, and TEKES in Finland.
Results of this project are presented in:
1. J. Feigin, K. Pahlavan, and M.
Ylianttila, "Hardware-Fitted Modeling and Simulation of QoS of VoIP
over a Wireless LAN", IEEE VTC'2000, Boston, Sep. 2000.
2. J. Feigin, "Voice over IP in
a Wireless LAN Environment ", Master's Thesis, Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
Worcester, MA, Jan. 2000.
Courses Using OPNET
CS525W/EE539S: Mobile Data Networking
is a graduate course instructed by Prof. Kaveh Pahlavan. The course describes
the elements of mobile networks: air interface, mobility infrastructure,
and connection to Internet. Impact of mobility on the ISO layers. This
course is a parallel to the EE 538: Wireless Information Networks designed
to address those interested in the CS and ECE. While EE 538 focuses on
the signal processing aspects of the wireless networks this course will
put emphasis on the networking issues. The introduction of OPNET
is used for evaluating network behavior pertinent to mobile networking.